Agency Worker

These are workers who have a contract with an agency but work temporarily for hirer. They are usually appointed for specific projects or a short term solution for hard to fill roles that need to be filled quickly.

The term ‘agency worker’ does not apply if you use an agency to find permanent or fixed-term employment.

To ensure agency contracts are procured on the best possible terms an agency contract was undertaken through a joint partnership between Crawley Borough Council, Horsham, Mid Sussex and Mole Valley District Councils. From June 2021 agency workers must be recruited through the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) will be for the duration of 3 years from April 2021 to March 2024, with the option to extend for an additional year. Any temporary staff contracts at the time the DPS was created will continue until that placement has ended. Any new requirements as of June 2021 must be obtained using the following process.

What is the DPS?

A DPS is a procedure available for contracts for works, services and/or goods commonly available on the market. As a procurement tool, it has some aspects that are similar to an electronic framework agreement, but where new suppliers can join at any time.

A DPS is a two-stage process. The first stage is the initial setup stage, all suppliers who meet the selection criteria and who are not excluded for any reason must be admitted to the DPS.

The first stage, the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) stage, only requires suppliers to demonstrate their suitability, ability and capability to deliver the type of requirements for the applicable Service Category/Categories.

Suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime. Individual ‘Call-Off’ contracts are awarded during the second stage. Each council invites all suppliers within a specific category under the DPS to bid for a specific contract. Suppliers are not obliged to bid for every contract.

It is advised for Service Managers to read the Temporary Agency DPS Service Manager’s Guide before proceeding. When you wish to obtain a temporary agency worker you will need to use the following process:

  1. IR35 information
    Perform a check to confirm that the worker you require is PAYE only by carrying out and completing the Government’s Check Employment Status for Tax ( tool.
  2. Fill out the Agency Worker Request form with all the details of your requirement including how many CVs you would like from the agencies.  

  3. Attach a role profile/job description/candidate specification for the job you would like filled.

  4. Create an email addressed to all of the agencies listed within the Category you are using for your requirements – contact details are below.

Due to GDPR regulations it is important that suppliers are not able to have access to email addresses of other suppliers. It is recommended to list all the supplier email addresses in the BCC box within the email.

5. Attach the Agency Worker Request form, the role profile and the Supplier Response form to the email.

6. Give a deadline for when you would like to receive responses by.

7. Send your request to the agencies and await responses by the deadline.

Please note that you must ensure that you send ALL agencies your requirement and ask for the same number of CVs for each placement request.

If you have any suppliers to be added to the DPS or have any questions about the process, please email and a member of the team will be in contact as soon as possible.

Temporary Agency Specification

Call Off Terms and Conditions of the Temporary Agency DPS

Agency Recruitment DPS Introduction and Guide

Agency Recruitment Managers Guide

Appendix A – Agency Worker Request Form

List of Email Addresses for all Categories

Starter Process for Agency Staff

Please ensure that you notify HR & ICT via the Servicedesk if you have an agency worker joining MVDC. Guidance can be found here.

Agency worker induction process can be found here