New Office and External Visits Rules   

Following the relaxation of many Covid measures, as outlined at All Staff Briefing on Monday 9th May, please see the new:

These replace the current office rules and guidance on Molly with immediate effect.

Over the next week all Covid-related Molly content will be removed and some further guidance (Q&A’s) will be provided to assist.

If you have any queries or concerns on how these rules are applied please either discuss with your line manager, with a Staff Rep or with a member of the HR team who will be happy to assist.

In addition:

  • If you are aware you have immunosuppression, please read this message placed on Molly on 26th April. You must make sure your line manager is aware so that the relevant arrangements to assess the risk to you can be reviewed. If you were formerly shielding please do not assume that your situation will be picked up through this exercise as we have been advised by Medwyn Occupational Health that a fresh assessment must be made, using current information.
  • If you are pregnant you will need an occupational health appointment before you reach the third trimester. (This is to ensure work arrangements are suitable in relation to Covid, and is in addition to the risk assessment conducted when you inform your line manager)

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