Message from Karen – Preparing for a return to the office


‘Dear all

SLT have been reviewing the Risk Assessment and associated office rules for Pippbrook as we prepare to welcome more people back with effect from Monday 4th October.  Please take the time to read through these as soon as possible, so you are aware of our different operational plans. You will see that the booking system will be suspended, but there remain a number of other protective measures including the need to wear face coverings when moving around, take regular lateral flow tests (which must be negative), and the continued need to self isolate if you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive (regardless of your vaccination status).  In addition we continue to encourage social distancing, and there are restrictions on the numbers of people who can attend meeting rooms.  

If you have specific concerns about your seating or work arrangements, particularly if you were advised to ‘shield’ during earlier stages of the pandemic, you should talk to your line manager in advance.  Business managers for each section are required to consider the arrangement of workspaces in advance, to ensure the arrangements are adequate in terms of social distancing, and to review any specific medical advice for those who were considered Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (as confirmed by a medical letter).

Please order your lateral flow tests as preparation for this.  It’s quick, easy and free to do this.  Follow this link, or just google home lateral flow tests.

You can register and order a pack of 7 to deliver to your home.  Some of the new ones don’t even require you to swab the back of your throat, you can instead swab both nostrils – but this will depend so make sure you follow the instructions of the kit you are sent.

MVDC has a number of staff who were formerly ‘shielded’/Clinically Extremely Vulnerable to Covid, and many more will have a family or household member in this category or consider themselves vulnerable for another reason.  Whilst the concept of ‘shielding’ has now ceased (see here for information), there will be colleagues you are working amongst who will be particularly concerned about transmission of the virus.  It’s a very small thing to ask you to take this additional step – even if you’re less concerned yourself – please do it for your friends, family and colleagues.

Whilst we are moving to a different stage in line with governmental policy, the virus has not gone away and we must all continue to do our bit to protect ourselves and each other.

We will keep these plans very actively under review.

As always, if you have any concerns about the proposals set out in the attached documents can raise them with any of the managers associated with your service (your own line manager or their manager etc.), with your Executive Head of Service, or with Staff Hub.  Staff Hub are your formal health and safety representatives, empowered by the Health and Safety Committee for MVDC and have been consulted in the preparation stage of these proposals.

The proposed Hybrid Working Policy has recently gone up on Molly. You are also encouraged to read through this and comment during the consultation period; however this policy will similarly be kept under review so that SLT can assess how hybrid working and safe working practices contained in the Risk Assessment for Pippbrook impact each other.  

I look forward to seeing you soon’

Please see below for attachments:

Pippbrook Risk Assessment September 2021

New Office Rules for October 4th

Can I work outside the home if I am a contact of a covid positive person?

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