Probation Period

A tightly managed probation period is an essential tool in effective management, starting the employee off on the right foot by ensuring that he or she knows what is expected of them. It should bring any potential problems to the surface and ensure that there are adequate levels of support and training.

As a manager you will be expected to manage your new employee’s probation period with regular (monthly) meetings, with a final review before six months employment.

Our probation guidance document provides further information about the probation period and meetings. Please contact HR if you need any further help or guidance.

Six month Probation Review Meeting

You will receive a workflow notification from iTrent 30 days prior to the end of probation which will remind you to book in this meeting if you haven’t already.

You can also check the end of probation date in iTrent on your employee’s record (Probation Period Dates):

Following the employees six month review meeting, the date of the meeting and outcome letter must be recorded on iTrent. Guidance on recording and uploading probation information onto iTrent can be found here.

A ticket must be raised on the HR service desk/Contract Changes to confirm probation completion. This will provide notification to payroll and action any incremental increase entitlements.

Concerns about Performance

If you have concerns about an employee’s performance or conduct you should raise these as early as possible by informing him/her of your concerns, giving them an opportunity and support to improve.  This should be done before you allow the individual to pass their probation. There may be less legal complexity* when an employee has less than two years service.

Always seek advice from HR at the earliest stage if there are any concerns during probation to ensure that you do not compromise your ability to terminate employment and to explore other options. 

Incremental Increases and Probation

The successful passing of probation means that your employee will be eligible for an annual incremental increase (unless they are already at the top of their pay scale). These incremental increases are applied every year on 1st April. Therefore, if your member of staff has successfully completed their probation period before the 1st April they will be eligible for an increase. If they are still in their probation period on 1st April, they will receive their annual increment upon successful completion.


Start date – 15th May 2020. End of probation (successful completion) – 15th November 2020. Incremental increase applied 1st April 2021. (Employee not in probation on 1st April)

Start date – 20th December 2020. End of probation (successful completion) – 20th June 2021. Incremental increase applied 20th June 2021. (Employee in probation on 1st April)

Legal status of probation

Probation has no status in law, i.e. an employee with less than 2 years of service (as from 6th April 2012) does not, ordinarily*, have rights not to be unfairly dismissed.  This is important because once this date has passed the procedural requirements on you are more onerous and the risks of litigation attached to termination are greater. It is common sense therefore, and good practice, to have early discussions about a new employees’ suitability to their role. 

*Please note that rights not to be unfairly dismissed arise from day one in relation to any protected characteristics or other prescribed reasons which would make it automatically unfair. Therefore you should always liaise with HR before having any discussions based on termination.