HR Servicedesk

The HR Servicedesk provides a new way for managers to notify HR and ICT of any changes to their team (see below what you can use the Servicedesk for).

The Servicedesk has been constructed using the Hornbill system which currently used by ICT for their Servicedesk.

You will be required to complete an online form with all the information required for HR and ICT to be able to process your request. The system sends automatic emails to update you with progress and you may be requested to provide further information (confirmation of start date after pre-employment checks for example).

This is a brief video guide for the Servicedesk.

The system will send notifications to other teams in MVDC that need to know about staffing changes such as H&S and Facilities and it will also notify Staff Hub to allocate a mentor if you are logging a starter.

There are guidance documents below to assist you completing the online forms. If you have any particular issues, please email hr.admin and we will help you. This is a soft launch therefore we are happy to receive feedback/questions/issues which will be used to create a rolling FAQ document to be published on this page.

The processes below, that previously required notification forms, will now need to be logged on the servicedesk. Please note that if you submit a notification form to hr.admin, you will be redirected to raise the change via the servicedesk. Don’t worry, we will be on hand to help until you get used to things.

These processes will now go through the servicedesk:

Starters – all types of starter (permanent, FTCs, Apprentices, Interims (consultants*/contractors/agency), casuals, external secondment).

*Consultants working on external projects do not need to be raised via a case on the Servicedesk as they are not considered part of our workforce.  

Leavers – all leavers irrespective of reason for leaving need to be notified this way.

Contract Changes – changes to hours and/or working patterns, agreed flexible working requests, job description re-evaluations and anything else related to contracts (job title change etc).

Role Changes – New role/internal transfer (promotion), acting up, secondments (internal move or MVDC worker starting an external secondment), long term absence cover, maternity cover, Interim to Established (if you’re taking on a consultant/contractor/agency temp via a recruitment process).

Contract Extensions – for all extensions to temporary contracts (acting up, secondments, FTCs or interim arrangements)

Future plans for the HR Servicedesk

There will be more processes added over the next year which will include processes for all staff to use.

If you have an queries please contact hr.admin

Manager’s Guidance Documents

Starter Process (Onboarding)

Leaver Process

Contract Changes

Contract Extensions

Role Changes