Health and Safety

(See separate Covid Guidance page for the rules for working in and outside the office)

Everybody wants to work in an environment where they feel safe, fit, healthy and productive, and at Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) we understand the important contribution that actively managing Health and Safety has to play in achieving this goal.

However, we recognise that in a busy, changing work place we can never be complacent, and that we all need to be mindful of our environment and report any Health and Safety concerns as soon as they arise.

If you see anything that you feel has the potential to cause injury to a person or damage to property, if you experience your own ‘near miss’, or if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident or incident yourself, you must report it – using the forms available on this page, or via your manager. The necessary steps can then be taken to eliminate, reduce or control the risk identified at an early stage.

Should you have any questions, or suggestions about how we might manage Health & Safety better, please phone the Health and Safety Coordinator, Ellie Miles, on extension 3227 or e-mail her on

Please raise any health and safety issues or concerns with your manager in the first instance and then with Ellie Miles or a Staff Hub member (Staff Hub act as MVDC’s Health and Safety Committee).

Thank you

Piers Mason

Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Head of Service (Planning and Regulation), and Health and Safety Champion

Emergency Procedures

Pippbrook Fire Evacuation Procedure 2022

Pippbrook Offices Evacuation Zone Map July 2022

Pippbrook fire marshal role – VIDEO

Dorking Halls Emergency Operating Procedures

Park House Emergency Evacuation Plan

Depot Fire Emergency Plan

Bomb Threats Advisor Check List

Bomb Procedure

First Aiders and Defibrillator Information

Documents for all employees

Health and Safety Information for Employees

Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements

Health and Safety Procedures Manual

Health and Safety Objectives 2023/24

Accident & incident stats 2022/23

Clients of Concern Procedure

Protection Against Violence at Work

Managing unreasonable calls guidance

DSE assessment form for office / home workstation

Reporting Accidents, Incidents, ‘Near Misses’ or Violence at Work

Accident and Incident Reporting Guidance

Accident and Incident Reporting Form

Report a Near Miss

Lone working documents and guidance

Lone Working Policy

Lone Working Procedure – see page 39

Lone Worker Personal Safety Guidance

Risk Assessment Guidance for Lone Worker Activities

Documents for managers

New Starter Health and Safety Checklist

Managers’ Guide to Investigating Accidents and Incidents

Accident and Incident Investigation Report

Violence at Work Investigation Report

Request to Include Person on the Clients of Concern Register

Risk Assessment for Expectant & New Mothers

Health and Safety Risk Assessment Guidance

Health and Safety Risk Assessment Template

Health and Safety Risk Assessment Top Tips!

Health and Safety Responsibilities for Managers

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