Wellbeing Guidance & Risk Assessments

Life can be difficult at times for all sorts of reasons, and work is no exception. If stressful situations are left unresolved it can result in illness. As one of the biggest causes of long term absence it is important that we try to recognise the signs of stress and look to mitigate the causes of work related stress where we can.

Stress becomes a concern when an employee’s health begins to suffer and it is important to recognised that everyone’s ‘tipping point’ is different. By supporting and encouraging employee’s to look after themselves physically and mentally, both inside and outside of work, we hope to reduce the likelihood of stress related ill health.

There are a number of ways in which you and your manager can take steps to support you in the workplace and help to mitigate the risk of stress becoming excessive and prolonged. The attached documents are designed to assist you in mitigating that risk and provide useful links to information, websites and benefits that can help you to stay physically and mentally fit. Guidance is available for managers to help identify the causes of work related stress and reducing the risk of stress at work, where possible, through:

Regular conversations, 1:1s, team meetings etc to discuss work with employees on an individual basis as well as in a team setting.

Encouraging breadth of knowledge through various formal and informal training routes.

Encouraging regular rest breaks (at least 20 minutes for every 6 hour period in compliance with European legislation – Working Time Regulations). 

Referrals to our confidential Employee Assistance Programme and/or Occupational Health (where appropriate)

Please contact HR if you would like advice on how to best to proceed.

Stress Management & Wellbeing Guidance

Working from Home Stressors Risk Assessment Guidance

Working from Home Stressors Risk Assessment

Wellbeing at Work Useful Information

Wellbeing Team Assessment – Appendix A

Wellbeing Individual Assessment – Appendix B