Community Safety

As a council we are part of the Mole Valley Community Safety Partnership, working together with a wide range of organisations to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and promote safer communities in Mole Valley.

This page includes links to some relevant training and reporting tools for council officers to use.

Prevent safeguards people at risk of radicalisation in a similar way to safeguarding processes designed to protect people from gangs, drug abuse, and physical and sexual abuse. All front line staff should complete the online training course to learn about:

· the Prevent duty

· different extremist ideologies that can lead to terrorism

· the risk around radicalisation and your supportive role

· making a Prevent referral that is both informed and made with good intention

· the interventions and support available

Click here to access the training.

As part of the Prevent Duty we must give due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism. Use the form and referral process below, and send the form to The form will also be sent automatically to the MASH for safeguarding and to police to assess counter-terrorist risk.

Referral process

Prevent Referral form Surrey

As a council we have a responsibility to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. For more information about what to do if you have any concerns visit the Safeguarding page on Molly.

Intelligence sheds light on a situation or scenario, supporting the police and partners to protect the public. We all have a role to play and this includes sharing the intelligence we come across during our work.

As a partner agency we have the option to provide the police with information using the ‘Partnership Intelligence Form’ which is attached with accompanying guidance.

You may not think what you have seen or heard is of much significance, but it could be that last piece of the jig saw puzzle that helps disrupt criminal activity that is harming our communities.

Partner Intel Form updated April 2022

Partnership Intelligence Form Guidance April 2022

Requests to the Police Mole Valley Safer Neighbourhoods team for personal data where there is a legitimate purpose can be made using the request form below.  These should be sent to the office manager, Andy Reid at

Police Data Protection Request Form

If you come across someone who appears to be homeless report this to East Surrey Outreach service, who will offer help and support. Visit the Rough Sleeping page on the website for more information and links.

If there is anything that you would like to see added to this page or have any other comments please email us at