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Our communications need to be inclusive to ensure that all our residents and businesses can engage with us. We need to always think of our users first in whatever we produce. 


We must make online information accessible and user-friendly. Our online content must comply with the government accessibility regulations. To comply with the regulations, we must meet the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standard.  

Using plain English to make content clear, concise and understandable and our corporate templates will ensure that documents we publish on our websites will follow PDF accessibility techniques. 

You can read more about accessibility on our Accessibility Essentials section.


Our website should be easy and accessible to use, so that those who use our online services can do so regardless of their hardware, software, language, location or ability. 

We want to give people visiting our website the best user experience we can.

Optimising images will help reduce load time and increase the speed of our sites and adding alt text to images is good for accessibility. Also, by doing these two simple things will help us rank higher in search engines! Read more about publishing images online.

You can read how to create great content and tips for writing for the web in our tone of voice guidelines.

Contact for more information.

Social media

We want to engage and inspire with audiences on our social media channels. We know that great, easy to share visual content is the best way to achieve this. 

Images and graphics with no text are ideal and need to have alternative text that is short and specific. Try to imagine how you would explain the information in a picture, over the phone. 

Use a variety of images, so that content looks fresh and not repetitive.  

Read more about creating accessible content for social media.

View our Social Media Policy.

You can see all our social media accounts on our website.


We create videos to help promote our messages and to encourage engagement on our social media channels. 

Any video that is created must have closed captions/subtitles with the exception of live streamed content. 

Arial font should be used at a size of 22pt and text centred. Text should be white on a black ground. Each line should be no more than 37 characters in length and not run run over more than two lines.

Video examples

Pledge to reduce your carbon impact

Our Chief Executive talks about our Executive Head of Service (Transformation & Partnerships) role

Hear what business owners are saying about Dorking

When creating video

  • film in landscape 
  • think about your background  
  • keep it to two minutes if you can 
  • ensure the speaker’s look is professional (straight tie, neat hair, appropriate make up)  

Find out more about creating videos, including how to make them accessible, video editing software and more tips.