Mole Valley Life are Relocating to Pippbrook

This autumn, Mole Valley Life staff will be moving from their current home at Park House in Leatherhead to Pippbrook. 

In preparation for this, we will be making some changes to which teams sit where in the building. Those staff members who are directly affected and who will be moving desks have already been informed. 

Mole Valley Life will move in to the first floor of the building. Legal, Democratic Services and Electoral Services will move down to the ground floor. Some staff currently located on the ground floor will also be moving desks in order to accommodate Legal, Democratic Services and Electoral Services on the ground floor. The new layout plans will follow shortly. 

The changes for existing Pippbrook staff will take place on Monday 25 September. On this day, an external logistics company will be physically moving items including furniture and storage crates around the building and it will be noisier than usual. Please check with your BMT lead/line manager, but if you do not need to come in to the office on this date, you may prefer to work from home. If you do need to come in to the office on 25 September, please expect some disruption. You could also consider using a hot-desk or working from a less affected area. 

If you are directly affected on 25 September, you should have received Move Instructions from our consultant at Moveworks. If you have any concerns please contact Moveworks directly, or failing that the Property Team. 

We look forward to welcoming MVL to Pippbrook soon.


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