Creating great content

Before you write anything, consider: 

  • Is it necessary? 
  • What is the key message? 
  • What do I want to achieve? 
  • What is it for and why do they need it? 
  • Does this information exist elsewhere – could I just link to it? 

Use plain English: 

  • It is clear, concise, and understandable 
  • It is faster to write and read 
  • It is an easy and friendly way to come across  
  • It is accessible to all 

Edit and check 

Always edit – get straight to the point and make it interesting, really cut text if it needs it.

Use spell check to check what you have written. 

Try using Flesch to see how readable it is – (go to Tools > Options > Spelling and Grammar > Tick the box that says ‘Show readability statistics’ at the bottom left of the text box). You are looking for a score of 50 or more.  

Handy tips

  • Put the essential information first  
  • Be concise – keep sentences simple with no more than 20 words. Use bullet points instead of lists; paragraphs should be no longer than four/five lines 
  • Write objectively  
  • Be empathetic
  • Use ‘you’, ‘I’ or ‘we’ – it sounds more sincere and personal 
  • Use active voice whenever possible, e.g., ‘Sarah wrote the report’ 
  • Avoid capital letters for words, this can come across as shouting! 
  • Write the numbers one – nine in words and 10 and above in numbers 
  • Avoid humour, exclamation marks, unnecessary capitals or other typing styles that might risk the information being misinterpreted 
  • Don’t use ‘marketing hype’ (using a lot of promotion/upselling words to make people interested)
  • Use bold to emphasis a word – do not use italics  
  • Text should be left justified including headings  
  • Use first names, not just initials or titles, if you are giving the name of a contact for more details e.g., ‘Karen Brimacombe, Chief Executive’ 

Words to avoid

Try to use the alternatives suggested in brackets:

  • additional (extra)
  • advise (tell)
  • applicant (you)
  • commence (start)
  • complete (fill in)
  • comply with (keep to)
  • consequently (so)
  • ensure (make sure)
  • forward (send)
  • in accordance with (under, keeping to)
  • in excess of (more than)
  • in respect of (for)
  • in the event of (if)
  • in order to (to)
  • in the region of (about)
  • on receipt (when we/you get)
  • on request (if you ask)
  • particulars (details)
  • per annum (a year)
  • persons (people)
  • prior to (before)
  • purchase (buy)
  • regarding (about)
  • requested (asked)
  • should you wish (if you wish)
  • terminate (end)
  • whilst (while)