Our tone of voice

Branding Essentials Molly Tone of Voice

It is important to be consistent in our style of writing – the more consistent we are, the more people will understand us, which in turn lead to residents respecting and trusting us. Being consistent in what we write means the content: 

  • Is accurate 
  • Is easy to read and understand 
  • Is punctuated consistently and correctly 
  • Describes things, such as services in the same way 
  • Keeps to the same style for things such as numbers and dates 
  • Avoids common mistakes 

The sections on this page, will help you to communicate in a simple and consistent manner across all our channels, which will help ensure that we build a stronger reputation with our audiences. 

See our style guide for information on how to use our visual identity and logo in printed and digital communications.

Contact us

If you are unsure on anything, contact the Communications team; we are here to help; Communications@molevalley.gov.uk 

If you need help with any digital communications, contact webteam@molevalley.gov.uk 

Sharing externally

To share this with suppliers and contractors use this link: ‘Mole Valley District Council – our tone of voice

Our brand and tone of voice

Our brand and tone of voice

People recognise our name; Mole Valley District Council and that we deliver high quality, value for money services to Mole ...
Creating great content

Creating great content

Before you write anything, consider: Is it necessary? What is the key message? What do I want to achieve? What ...
A-Z of using punctuation and grammar Icon

A – Z of using punctuation and grammar 

Using good punctuation and grammar enhances accuracy and helps us get the right message out, therefore making our communication easier! ...
Website Icon


Having great content on our website will not only make us look knowledgeable and help with our reputation but it ...
Writing for your audience Icon

Writing for your audience 

When engaging with our residents and businesses, it's important to consider the tone and structure. Ensure that what you write ...