Email signature

Computer screen with arrow icon

An email signature is the contact information that you add at the end of your email. Find out what our corporate style is and how to add a promotional banner.

Make sure your email signature

  • Is Arial typeface
  • has a font size of no less than 10 point
  • always uses black text on a white background
  • has no coloured background
  • has no coloured text or ‘fancy’ signature

Your signature should include and look as follows:

Job title (change the colour to grey)
Mole Valley District Council (change the colour to purple)

01306 XXX 
Your name 
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Example email signature

Promotional banner

You can add a promotional banner to your signature. You can download them from the Email Signatures folder.

If you would like a banner created to promote a service or a particular message, contact

Changing your signature in Outlook

  1. Launch Outlook
  2. Click on ‘File’, then ‘Options’, ‘Mail’, then ‘Signatures’
  3. Click on the signature you wish to change