Committee reports, policy and strategy documents

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Information on writing committee reports, policy and strategy documents and details on which templates to use.

Committee reports

If you need to write a report to go before the Council, the Cabinet or a committee, please note there are different templates for the Cabinet; Council and Scrutiny, Audit and Licensing Committee.

Should you have any queries, please get in touch with Democratic Services.

Report authors will need to ensure that reports remain accessible, as they will be published on the website.

Should you have any queries regarding the accessibility requirements, please get in touch with the web team.

Download the document template before editing it.

Audit and Scrutiny Committee Report Template

Cabinet Report Template

Council Report Template

Licensing Committee Report Template

Committee Agenda Deadlines

Meeting Schedule 2023-24

Policy and strategy documents

Documents will need to be accessible if being published on the website. See the ‘Accessibility Essentials‘ section for more information, including how to add accessible tables and graphs to documents.

Policy document

There is a front cover template to be used for all policies. 

It is important that the template is used and populated as this helps the public and staff to see how up-to-date the policy is and the approval process that the policy has followed.

There is also guidance for writing a policy on:

Strategy document

Other document templates

FAQ Template