Parking around Pippbrook House

Could the parking bays around Pippbrook House be more clearly marked, to encourage people to park efficiently. It’s not uncommon for cars to be parked leaving unusable gaps and every space is needed. It’s particularly an issue on a Monday and Tuesday, when these are often the only spaces available by 9:30 when some of us start work.

Original question posted by Jane Smith

Thank you for your question. Funnily enough, I had another question the following day on exactly the same point. I am conscious that sometimes parking at Pippbrook is at a premium, and that at times that could be partially due to the way that people have parked around Pippbrook House. The suggestion of marked bays does sound like a good idea, and I have tested this with the Facilities Team. They have looked at the parking around Pippbrook House since you submitted your question, to monitor how it is used and how people park. Their conclusion is that by putting in marked bays, we would probably lose about two spaces, compared to the number of cars that park around Pippbrook House, when people park sensibly.

The problem occurs when people decide to leave a little bit (or a lot) of extra space to ensure that they can get out, and when a few people do this it does reduce the overall parking capacity.

At the moment therefore, I don’t propose to make any changes to the parking arrangements. However, if colleagues feel that marked bays would be an improvement, albeit with a potential reduction in optimum parking numbers, that is certainly something we can arrange.