Ask Karen

This is your opportunity to Ask Karen…


Here you can ask Karen Brimacombe, Chief Executive, questions regarding the Council and its business. If you do not wish your question to be published on Molly then please indicate this and Karen will respond to you directly.

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This page is not intended as a Staff Forum or a place where debate takes place and Karen cannot answer publicly questions on individual or personal staff matters which should normally be directed through your line manager, Director or with Karen herself on a one-to-one basis.

Karen aims to answer as many questions as possible. However due to the volume of requests it may take some time to source answers so please be patient.

Ask Karen

MVDC fund for Ukraine?

Question Is MVDC organising fund raising for Ukraine/Ukrainian refugees? I would welcome a simple money collection if the mechanism for ...

Insurance Cover for Working at Home

Question As we are continuing to work from home some of the time, do you know if this effects Household ...

Parking around Pippbrook House

Could the parking bays around Pippbrook House be more clearly marked, to encourage people to park efficiently. It's not uncommon ...