
About Us

The Shared Procurement Service is a procurement service working with Crawley Borough Council, Horsham District Council, Mid Sussex District Council and Mole Valley District Council. 

The team can provide advice regarding any aspect of procurement ranging from a brief conversation to leading a full procurement process on behalf of your department.

Please contact us at or call 01403 215299.

The team is made up of:

Name Position
Becca Williams Procurement Manager
Thomas Walker Senior Procurement Officer
Jacob Hughes Procurement Officer
Nikki Woods Procurement Officer (Mon-Thurs)
Toby Rivers Administrative Support Officer (Procurement)

If your contract aggregate value is £50k or more you must seek advice from the Procurement Team on how to proceed. This is to ensure you follow the correct rules and to ensure that you incorporate the requirements of national and local policies into your procurement process for example; modern slavery, safeguarding, prevent and social value. Please note that if you are procuring any technology related services or systems, you must seek advice from ICT.

Contracts Register form

Any goods, works or services that fall under the £50k threshold can be managed by your own department following the process set out in the Procurement Thresholds section, however we are here to help if you need it.

Joint Procurement Board

The Procurement Team’s work programme and targets are set by the Joint Procurement Board. The board is made up of the four Heads of Service responsible for Procurement across the authorities:

Name Authority Position
Carolin Martlew Crawley Borough Council Head of Corporate Finance
Dominic Bradley Horsham District Council Director of Corporate Resources
Rachel Jarvis Mid Sussex District Council Assistant Director for Corporate Resources
Claire Morris Mole Valley District Council Executive Head of Service (Finance and Strategy)

Getting Started

What is procurement? Procurement is the whole process of purchasing goods, works or services from the initial identification of the ...

Procurement Thresholds – what process to use and when?

Whether you need to obtain quotes or go out to tender depends on the amount of money you will be ...

Exemption from undertaking a procurement process

There is provision within the Contract Standing Orders for the requirements of obtaining quotations or tenders to be waived, however ...

Corporate Contracts

The Council has various corporate contracts that should be used to source all services/supplies related to these contracts. Temporary and ...

Contracts Register and Transparency Reporting Requirements

We have an obligation to allow the general public and suppliers to access information about who the council’s suppliers are, ...

Contract Management – Guidance

Effective Contract Management is vital, it can achieve positive outcomes by developing and improving the contract and supplier performance for ...

Social Value, Sustainable Procurement and Safeguarding

Through our procurement processes the Council is committed to delivering value for money services that also support economic, environmental and ...