Christmas Competition *Update*

Please remember the deadline for your Teams Christmas Background is this Thursday before lunchtime. Send your submissions to where they will be judged. Can’t wait to see what everyone

Compliment for MVL’s Tracey

Mole Valley Life’s Tracey has recently received a lovely letter thanking her for the excellent service she has provided while installing lifeline alarm and TEC equipment for one of our

Updated Policies live on Molly

Thank you for your input and feedback to the consultation on amendments to the following policies: Disciplinary Policy Grievance Policy Sickness Capability Policy Performance Capability Policy The consultation has now

Urn in the Pippbrook kitchen

As a temporary replacement for the faulty boiling tap there is now a large urn with hot water for tea and coffee in the kitchen ready for all to use.


Implementation of Plan B

I promised to write once SLT had time to consider the Prime Minister’s statement. The introduction of “Plan B” means that, with effect from Monday, we have to suspend our

Glasses lost/found

Whilst making a cup of tea in the break out area, the below reading glasses were right on top of the rubbish, and must have accidentally fallen into the bin

Response to Gatwick Aviation Limited Consultation

Councillor Margaret Cooksey, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “We have responded* to Gatwick Aviation Limited’s (GAL) public consultation ahead of the closing date on 1 December 2021. Our response makes it


Plan B Karen Update

“Following last night’s announcement I wanted to let you know that SLT will be working with BMT today in order to agree what arrangements need to be put in place

Plan B – Rumours and Speculation

“I’m sure like me you will be reading and hearing a lot of rumours that the Government might make an announcement later today about encouraging working from home again. I