October is the Month for Arts Alive!

October is here which means it’s time for Arts Alive! This year’s festival is now underway and all listings can be found at: www.arts-alive.co.uk. The Arts Alive Festival is Mole

Keep Pippbrook Free from Single-Use Plastics

From Sunday 1 October 2023, businesses must no longer supply, sell or offer certain single-use plastic items in England. Four years ago MVDC signed up to the Single-use Plastics Strategy

Rethink Waste Scheme

Reduce Waste & Get Rewards!

If you live in Surrey, you could be winning rewards for reducing your waste. Rethink waste is a free scheme available to anyone living in surrey that offers a range

Microsoft Training now available on Go1

We have made two courses available for all staff which will help you get the most out of our Microsoft 365 software  They are Microsoft 365 – Learn, Understand and

Magazine: Armed Forces Reservists

For those who would like to read it, please find a link to a recent copy of Reserve Link from the Reserve Forces’ and Cadet’s Association for the South East.

Well done Rachel!

Rachel in Housing has had a lovely thank you card from a client she has helped into housing. The client has said, ‘Dear Rachel Thank you for everything!’ Well done Rachel!

Reception Reminder

Please remember that reception opens at 10am on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Please keep this in mind when arranging meetings with anyone outside of MVDC as