It’s Recycle Week!

Recycle Week has arrived and this year the theme, The Big Recycling Hunt, focuses on ‘missed capture’: the items that can be recycled but are commonly missed in the home.

ONS Consultation: Closing Soon!

Last chance to respond to ONS consultation on the future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales  Launching an ONS consultation earlier this year, the National Statistician Professor

Bella’s Blog

Do you know I think I did one of the most rewarding and enjoyable things in the whole of my local government career last week. Jo Sheedy, the amazing Manager

Staff Hub Update

At Staff Hub last month we discussed a range of topics: Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for MVDC.  At the meeting we reviewed

Print Room Closed: Mon 16 October

Please be advised that the Print Room will be closed on Monday 16 October as Spence is on Holiday. Please copy in Dia Irmal/Claire Elphick on all your print request