Choose to Refuse

Plastic Free July – Choose to Refuse!

Will you join the millions of people around the world taking part to beat plastic pollution?  The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘small steps, big difference’! What step will you choose

Wellbeing Wednesday

Workplace Options – who provide MVDC’s Employment Assistance Programme (EAP) service, deliver monthly wellbeing workshops which you might find useful. For more information, or to access the workshops, visit:

Can you speak a foreign language? 

If you can and would be happy to help our reception staff speaking to customers whose first language is not English, if they were to arrive at our front desk

Wedding ring found!

Claudia’s wedding ring lost on Friday has been found.   Thank you so much to everyone who inquired after it and helped look.  Claudia has asked us to pass on her

Thank you from CLA 

Copywriting Licensing Agency (CLA) has successfully completed the data collection exercise with MVDC staff. They were pleased with how helpful and organised everyone was and would like to thank the staff

Car park attempted theft

It has been noted by a few members of staff that a small group of people where hanging around in the car park checking door handles for unlocked vehicles. Please

Piers’s SLT Blog

Gosh, my second blog already. So, this week I returned to work after a (very) long weekend enjoying my annual pilgrimage to the Le Mans 24 hour race.  I’ve been