A Massive Thank You To Leanne

Leanne Jones in Housing has received a lovely thank you from our client she has been assisting for the last 18 months with his housing.  ‘Thank you so much for

A Massive Thanks To The Parking Team

The Parking Team have received some excellent feedback from a member of public who received a letter cancelling a ticket. She was delighted and exclaimed this was the best thing

Staff Surveys

We had a fantastic (over 70%) response rate to our staff survey – asking wide ranging questions about the way we are working currently, how it’s impacting you, and your

Tax Relief For Homeworking

In the Q&A section (Q24) on the staff coronavirus pages, we have provided information on how to claim tax relief if you are required to work from home.   HMRC have recently announced

Subscribe To MVDC’s Nextdoor Account

If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to MVDC’s Nextdoor account. With this account we will engage with our residents by sharing our news, information and advice. You will

Kim’s Zoom Zumba Classes

Online lockdown classes available on Zoom from the comfort of your home. See Kim’s Facebook for more details where you can message her on there or there’s the option to

Rising Coronavirus Cases In Mole Valley

Please read this update from Councillor Stephen Cooksey regarding Coronavirus cases in Mole Valley.  We have been widely publicising this today and will continue to do so to encourage people