Remembrance Sunday Staff Required

Extra hours available Remembrance Sunday – 14 November 2021 We need several extra people to support The Royal British Legion and the road closures in Leatherhead and Dorking for this

Arts Alive 2021 Cabaret Launch

Award-winning Mole Valley arts festival Arts Alive launches on Saturday 25 September with musical cabaret from 10.30am-12.30pm outside Dorking Sports Centre. Supported by Mole Valley District Council and on throughout

All Staff Briefing

All Staff Briefing

The next virtual All Staff Briefing will be held on Monday 27 September at 3.00pm.  Topics will include:- Preparations for 4th October including hot desks/working spaces available Update on budget

Update on the Staff Social

There has been a change of plan for the catering this afternoon.  Sadly the Chop and Chip  1972 Airstream Kitchen was involved in a collision yesterday, fortunately no one was hurt

Pippbrook Working Environment

In light of new guidance issued on ventilation, the FM team were asked to engage with the mechanical contractor and consultants in order to seek their advice on carrying out