Managing Your Verbal Offer

Offer Preparation

Before you make your offer make sure you are prepared and have all of the information that the candidate will want to know. This could include:

Salary range – offer the bottom of the salary scale (Unless the candidate has considerable experience and please seek advice from HR Admin on this before you make your offer) 

Hours and pattern of work (include full time equivalent FTE)

The team and who they will be working with

Pension contribution

Travel and parking arrangements

General benefits available to an employee

Learning, Development and any  professional memberships available

Potential start date

Onboarding process and what they should expect

Most of this information can be found on our careers website under ‘About us’ and ‘For you’ on our careers website. Alternatively email HR Admin and we will be able to provide any information you need.

Once you have given your offer you might find that the candidate would like a period of time to think about the offer (discuss it with their partners, compare if to current, other offers etc). It is absolutely normal to give them time to decide but always give a 24 / 48 / 72 hour deadline so you know when to expect your answer and manage the other candidates in the process.     

If you have several appointable candidates it is advisable not to feedback to candidates not offered until your first choice offer has been accepted.

To start your candidate’s on boarding process you will need to log them on the HR Servicedesk found on Molly/At Work/HR&ICT Servicedesk (use the HR section). This will also notify ICT and a number of other departments that you have a starter. Guidance can be found here.