Application Closing Date and Shortlisting

Application Closing Date

All your applications, regardless of the advertising  channels used, will be sent through to the jobs inbox. All of your applications will be saved on our secure server and emailed through to the recruiting manager shortly after the closing date has passed.   


Once your advert has closed and you have received all applications you must now decide which candidates should be selected for interview. In order to avoid unconscious bias or discrimination in your selection process a fair and transparent set of criteria should be used to assess each candidate’s suitability for interview. Typically the Person Specification provides a clear set of criteria that are considered essential for the role. Each candidate can be assessed against this criteria using a short listing matrix.

Two shortlisting matrix templates are available the shortened version may be used as an initial paper sift where there is a high volume of applications. The long version would then be used to hone your selected candidates for interview.

If, following use of the essential criteria from your person specification, your first shortlisting exercise results in too many potential candidates for interview, you may look to apply desirable criteria to your selection process to help identify the best candidates for the post. Any selection criteria used should be justifiable, proportionate to the role, non-discriminatory and objective.

Ensure the Selection Matrix is completed so that you have a record of why a particular candidate was not shortlisted in cases of challenge.

Internal Applicants

Internal applicants should be shortlisted in the same way as all other applicants as per our fair recruitment process. If the internal applicant does not meet the criteria, like any other applicant they should not be offered an interview. In these cases ideally, feedback is best delivered face to face to allow the applicant to receive advice on any training or career development they can undertake to support future applications. 

Note: Applicants currently employed in the military and those with ‘priority status’ should be offered an interview where they meet the selection criteria (in these circumstances this specific applicant group do not need to score the highest to be offered an interview). Where a ‘priority’ application is receive contact HR Admin for further advice and information.            

You do not need to contact all unsuccessful applicants as all applicants receive an automated email response after applying to let them know, if they have not received further information by the interview date they have not been unsuccessful on this occasion and due to high volumes of applications received we cannot contact all applicants.  

You may receive individual requests for feedback on applications. Feedback should be provided in these instances contact HR Admin for further advice and information.