Review Your Job Description and Person Specification

Writing your Job Description and Person Specification

Are you replacing the role like for like or does the role need adjusting to ensure a better team fit/greater likelihood for recruitment?

Where possible changes are considered, work force planning discussions can be used to assist in identifying future team pressures and the skills and behaviours needed to support the team/service going forward. HR Admin can also be contacted for support and advice on identifying future needs.

Where the role (s) you plan to advertise have significantly changed or a new position is identified a new Job Description and Person Specification will need to be written.

If the role is replacing an existing position the current Job Description and Person Specification should be reviewed, and any necessary changes made using track changes.

Please click the links for guidance and support for Writing a Job Description and Person Specification. and the Job Description and Person Specification to outline the requirements, skills and behaviours for the role.

Your revised or new Job Description Person Specification will need to be submitted to HR Admin for review of any changes and where necessary evaluation. Job Descriptions must be reviewed and evaluated prior to advertising. Please see further information about the job evaluation process.

Contact HR Admin for additional support where needed