Interview Preparation

Invite to Interview

The recruiting manager will need to contact applicants directly to invite them for interview. This invite to interview template email can be used. Ensure the JD/PS for the role and this how to find us information is included in the invite to interview. It is important to ask the applicant if they require any adjustments to attend the interview, this is included on the email template.

Assessment / Selection method

When considering suitable selection methods for your role think about whether an interview will demonstrate the full spectrum of skills and experience needed for the role? Do you need to include an assessment which will clarify or test specific skills needed? There are a range of other selection methods available, here are a few to consider below:

In tray exercise

Work related competency testing

Presentations (seen & unseen)

Also available: Psychometric Testing, Ability/Competency, Personality Profiling, Group Exercises

Presentations (seen & unseen)

Suitability of assessment and selection methods will be role dependent. There is lots of information and assessments available on line.

It is advisable to review the suitability of your selection methods with the HR Recruitment Officer.

Interview Questions

Take time to think about the type of questions you want to ask and what you need to see demonstrated from them. There are several different types of questions to be considered, below:

Open questions

Closed / specific questions

Probing questions

Feeling questions

Competency based behavioural questions

Embedding competency based values questions MVDC Values 

STAR (Situation, task, action, result)

For more detailed information and guidance on interview questions and techniques, please see the recruitment and selection guidance.

As a starting point a bank of generic interview questions are available here for you to consider and use as appropriate. Interview questions and other selection criteria must be based on the requirements and standards needed for the role. For further information about the legal considerations associated with recruitment selection.

Remember to arrange with your interviewing panel the logistics of the meeting (i.e. who will lead the meeting, who will ask which questions and who will note take) so there is always one person looking and paying attention to the applicant.