Car Users

Our mileage rates are in line with HMRC published mileage rates for all fuel types (including electric cars).

Private Car Users: Government Advisory Fuel Rates – Private

Lease Car Users – Advisory Fuel Rates

These rates are calculated by HMRC on a quarterly basis (1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 December) and apply to lease car drivers claiming business mileage. i-Trent is updated accordingly on a quarterly basis.

Further information and the current rates can be found here:

Lease Car Users: Government Advisory Fuel Rates

Passenger Mileage

In line with HMRC guidance, an additional 5p per passenger per business mile may be claimed. This is to encourage car sharing and greener business travel. Passengers must be Mole Valley employees on council business.

Please note that due to current covid-19 restrictions, we are discouraging staff from sharing cars with other members of staff on council business.