Leave and Time Off

Many of the services we provide to the public are essential. We must therefore always make sure that we have enough people for cover.

We also have a duty of care to our employees to provide a safe and healthy work environment.

Mutual flexibility and a shared sense of responsibility across and within teams and the organisation are therefore the best ways for us to manage competing demands and pressures. We encourage healthy lifestyles and ways of working, and that includes time off work.

Managers have responsibility for performance levels within their services and to ensure adequate and responsive customer service within their teams.

These policies and the accompanying guidance provide a framework for the different ways planned or unplanned absences can be managed.

There are a variety of different schemes and entitlements for leave that you may be able to take, depending on your circumstances and your contract. Many of these have individual policies that sit behind them. You will find information on all the various types of leave in this section.

If you are taking time off work, please remember to check your calendar for meetings and arrange appropriate cover if you are a key attendee.

Any queries on eligibility or application of any of the policies to your own situation must be directed in the first instance to your manager. He or she is best placed to understand operational demands, the customer interface, the circumstances relating to you and your team, and to interpret and balance these factors accordingly.

HR advice can be given to managers where requested.

In the unlikely event that the information in this section contradicts a specific policy, the specific policy will take precedence.

TOIL (Time Off In Lieu)

Time off in Lieu is referred to as TOIL. This is different to flexi time. It is generally used if ...

Sick Leave

If you are sick, you must call your manager on your first day of absence, no later than your normal ...

Unexpected time off work

Sometimes you may need to take time off work which you weren't expecting. This section explains options for those circumstances ...

Other reasons for time off work

This section is for all other reasons that you may take time off work ...


This section is for guidance on annual leave and buying and selling leave ...


Flexitime is informal. It does not change your contractual working time or hours but is intended to give flexibility to ...

Family Friendly Policies

These policies provide information on the various ways Mole Valley can support you specifically in relation to your family. If ...

Extreme Weather Guidance

This is our Extreme Weather Guidance. The Guidance has been devised to allow flexibility for managers to consider a variety ...

Extended unpaid leave

MVDC wishes to encourage retention of high performing employees whilst protecting service levels and balancing workload impacts on colleagues. Applications ...