All Staff

We are committed to providing you with continuous learning opportunities in order for you to grow both personally and professionally. We want you to develop and strengthen your skills and feel challenged and satisfied in your role.

Of course, there is some statutory and essential learning that needs to take place to ensure that the Council is operating within legal requirements. We are working hard to ensure that we provide the right learning opportunities, at the right time, in order for you to do your job well and offer a range of learning: e-learning, classroom and sponsored qualifications.

Essential Learning

It is important to ensure that you keep up to date with all statutory and essential learning to meet all current legal requirements while working. All essential learning requirements are listed here and show how often you are required to refresh your learning in each area and which portal you can find the relevant learning on. The majority of essential learning is provided via eLearning and can be accessed via the Go1 or BiteSize learning portals.

Once you have completed your e-learning as a new starter as part of your induction programme you will receive reminders about essential learning that needs to be completed after 12, 24 or 36 months, depending on the criteria for that subject. You will receive notification via e-mail of any essential learning that you are required to complete.  While we will endeavour to ensure you are reminded about any refresher learning in plenty of time, you also have responsibility to ensure it is completed on time.  It is a good idea to make a note of the requirements for your refresher courses and ensure it is completed on time.

Career Development

There are a number of Career Development opportunities that are available through different routes.  Please talk about your developmental requirements for your role at your regular 1-2-1 and Personal Development Review meetings with your line manager. 

E-learning can be accessed at any time, inside or outside of work. Our e-learning provider Go1 offers a range of courses for both mandatory learning and personal development. It can be accessed at any time via a range of smart devices. Please explore these platforms and complete any modules that you feel may be of benefit to you.

Classroom-based learning. You will have the opportunity to discuss your learning needs will be discussed with you as part of your Personal Development Review meeting. You must REGISTER first to verify your credentials, and can view the courses and content provided by Surrey Learn. You should review the learning that you think you will need to support you in your role for the coming year and discuss these with your manager.

Sponsored Qualifications may also provide a route to professional and nationally recognised qualifications.  These part-Government funded qualifications can provide a range of opportunities to support your career development. You can find out more here. You can discuss your career path, possible development opportunities and whether a sponsored qualification would be of benefit to you and the organisation with your manager.

Your career development aspirations can be discussed at your annual Performance and Development Reviews (“PDRs”).  For more information and guidance on PDR, please click here.