Doing a PDR

All managers should ensure they are familiar with the guidance and timescale for completing and documenting PDR discussions either using the below PDR forms or the enhanced PDR process as appropriate. The processes have been explicitly designed to align with the service planning and is a key management tool to aid learning to meet key objectives. 

The PDR process itself remains largely the same as previous years:

1) There are three key meetings. The initial PDR meeting, the 6 monthly review and the Resource Planning Meeting with Executive Heads.

2) Record keeping and reporting via iTrent

PDR Completion

Business Managers must ensure completion of all PDRs across their sections by the end of March each year, in readiness for an overall review. PDRs are held for our employees, not for casuals, contractors or agency workers. 

If your employee is new to the organisation and in their probation period, you do not have to carry out a full PDR however it is advisable to carry out regular meetings to discuss their progress through their probation. During these meetings you can cover wellbeing, development in the role, key achievements and objectives.

If your employee has transferred into your department in the last six months, you should hold a normal PDR with them. Where appropriate you may wish do this in connection with their previous manager to assess there achievements over the last year and then set the coming years objectives based on their new role.

PDR Process Map

Agreed Learning & Development

The Development Summary section of the PDR form must be used to record learning and development that the employee and manager have identified as beneficial to meeting agreed targets and objectives for the coming year. This may be e-learning (where significant to objective setting), virtual/classroom courses, mentoring, apprenticeships etc.

Identify learning needs will be reviewed across the organisation in April. Where there is an associated cost to the identified learning, managers will need agreement from the relevant BMT/Exec Head prior to booking. Agreement will be provided for suitable courses following learning needs analysis of all proposed learning and development identified through PDR discussions at the beginning of the new financial year.

Resource Planning Meeting

Business Managers will attend a review meeting with their Executive Head during the summer months once the PDR process has been completed. Business Managers will need to come to the discussion with information taken from the PDRs across their sections. Additional relevant performance related data will be reviewed. Managers will be provided with templates and any data that can be provided by the HR team.

This meeting has been designed to assess resources within the service and how well it is working before going into the service planning process. It is a key meeting and a key part of the Business Manager’s role, directly impacting service standards and ability to deliver objectives. The evidence provided through the process enables an informed discussion between the Business Manager and their Executive Head about work demands and capacity. This clarity benefits the whole team by assisting with prioritisation and assessment of realistic goals within the budgetary restraints of local government. Discussions can include exploration of different ways of working and how to manage expectations around service delivery.

Recording Completion on Itrent

Completion of all meetings needs to be recorded on iTrent. Progress on these meetings will be reported on via internal management and Audit meetings. SLT will proactively track completion and use information from it to mitigate strategic risk based on recruitment and retention.

In addition, the PDR Post Meeting Form should be attached to the employee’s PDR record in iTrent. Please Note: Any personal information from the Wellbeing section of the PDR that is agreed to be kept confidential (i.e. between the employee and manager) should be removed from the PDR form prior to uploading to iTrent.

Instructions of how to enter PDR meetings along with attaching the form is below (Electric Theme – how to add a PDR and PDR document to iTrent).

Forms and Guidance

The following documents are the forms and supporting guidance. Download an editable version of the forms by clicking on the three dots on the right hand corner of the page and selecting ‘download’.

Performance and Development Review Meeting Preparation Form (for the employee to complete and submit to you to allow for preparation). 

Performance and Development Review Post-Meeting Form (for completion after the meeting. One copy for you and one for the employee).

Managers guide to the PDR Process

– Process flow (summarising the objectives of each stage of the process)

There are also useful sections below on 360 degree feedback and Managing Performance Tips.

360 Degree Feedback

You may decide that 360 degree feedback is appropriate (or your employee may request it). 360 feedback is feedback gained ...

Managing Performance Tips

As a Manager at Mole Valley you are required to hold regular one2ones with all your reporting staff. These should ...