Casual/Agency/Temporary Staff and Volunteers

Dependent on which department you work in and what your role is, you will need to complete all or some of the mandatory training courses that are required for established staff.

All Casuals must complete a GDPR training course either written (follow the links below) or the Essential eLearning. You will be advised by your manager which are relevant to your role.

Mandatory training courses are:

  • Health and Safety (e-learning and written version available)
  • FOI (e-learning only)
  • Safeguarding (e-learning only)
  • Equalities & Inclusion (e-learning and written version available)
  • GDPR UK Essentials (e-learning and written version available)

Written versions of these courses, where available, require that the worker reads and confirms their understanding by signing a declaration, supported by their manager. The written versions can be used where there is no access available to e-learning and for volunteers. Please find the written courses below.

Health and Safety

Equalities & Inclusion


Please contact hr.admin for further information on training for casuals.

All workers must complete the mandatory MVDC Policy Signing page on their first day. This is sent by automated email to all new starters when their ICT account is set up. The subject heading of the email is Human Resources – New Starter First Day Policies.