Business & Line Managers

Managers are a vital element in the structure of MVDC. They are the building blocks that connect the political and managerial leadership of the Council to the tactical customer-facing employees. One of the key responsibilities of a manager is to encourage continuous staff development through providing learning opportunities and training. Training is designed to increase employee morale and motivation. Investing in developing someone – if it is carefully selected rather than perfunctory – can be a huge indicator that MVDC values that person and their contribution. For that reason it boosts morale, motivation and staff loyalty.

Great managers know this, and look for ways to mentor and coach their team by providing training that builds on their strengths and continues to develop any identified learning points. It is important that managers have the learning and development they need to support their staff and develop their own learning to support individual management and career development.

Essential Learning

Essential Training for Managers can be found here.

You will receive notification via e-mail of any essential training that requires you to complete a refresher course.  While we will endeavour to ensure you are reminded about any refresher training in plenty of time, you also have responsibility to ensure it is complete on time.  It is a good idea to make a note of the requirements for your refresher training and ensure it is complete in the appropriate time frame.

Learning Opportunities

There are a number of management specific classroom based learning opportunities available through the Council’s learning provider Surrey Learn.  If you have not logged on to Surrey Learn before, you must REGISTER first to verify your credentials (see top right hand corner of Surrey Learn page) and an email for a login link will be sent to you.

Development discussions

Regular 1-2-1 meetings are an essential part of successful management. Guidance for managers and paperwork to support the 1-2-1 process are available here.

Performance Development Reviews

Your career development aspirations can also be discussed at your annual Performance and Development Reviews (“PDR”) and your 6 monthly PDRs.  Information and guidance can be found here.

Management Development Learning

There are a number of Management and Leadership Development modules available through our eLearning provider Go1. These modules make up a comprehensive programme of learning that can be carried out at any time to refresh or enhance your management skills. New managers will be guided to complete a programme of management learning to assist them in their role, however these modules are available to all current and aspiring managers to access as and when they wish to.

In additional to the identified essential learning, we recommend the following course are complete by all managers as ongoing management skills support:

Go1 courses

  • Project Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Introduction to Business Improvement Techniques
  • Introduction to Continuous Improvement
  • Creating a Digital Culture

A further course of management learning, the Management Development Programme (MDP) is a course run by MVDCs learning partnership, Surrey Learn. This programme has been developed to support the core skills of all management roles. The course is run in 3, 2 day events over a 3 month period and is attended by managers from local government across Surrey. Delegates will attend with the same cohort for each event. This approach allows managers to meet colleagues from across departments and organisations, to share ideas and discuss best practice in an open forum.

Suitability for the MDP course is identified through discussions with your manager as part of your Personal Development Review (PDR). Speak to your manager to identify if this may be a beneficial learning route for you.

Another route to specific management qualifications are supported through the Councils Professional Qualifications. Various higher level service specific qualifications are available through this route, as well as management specific learning that provide nationally recognised qualifications through the Institute of Management and Leadership (ILM).

Speak to your manager during your 121s or PDR discussions about opportunities to development your management skills and to identify a learning route to suit you.