Occupational Health

Occupational health examines the relationship between work and health. It aims to promote and maintain the health and well-being of all our employees within the working environment.

The Council’s Occupational Health service is provided by Dr Stewart Tomlinson and an OH Nurse at Medwyn Surgery, Reigate Road, Dorking (opposite Pippbrook Council offices).

Occupational Health Management referrals

If there are health concerns impacting on performance or attendance for any members of staff, the manager may consider making a referral to occupational health.

The relevant manager will need to complete the managers referral form attached below. Content must be agreed with the employee – therefore it is advisable to discuss this in a face to face meeting. Where a meeting is not possible, the referral can be emailed to the employee to read and confirm their agreement with the content.

PLEASE NOTE: This is sensitive information. You must take care to email the correct address and additionally you must ensure that the referral form is password protected with the password sent in a separate email.

Once the referral form has been agreed by the employee, send it to HR.Admin@molevalley.gov.uk for an appointment to be arranged.

Appointments will be available during working hours and will be agreed with the employee on receipt of a Management Referral form. The majority of the time appointments will be at the Medwyn Surgery, unless a Work Place Assessment has been requested, in which case the nurse will come to your work station.

Please note that an employee cannot self refer for an Occupational Health appointment. This is only something that is work related therefore only the manager can do. We will require a Management Referral Form to be completed and confirmation that the content has been agreed with the employee before it is passed on to HR who will then arrange an appointment.

This service is provided in confidence. Medical information is not passed to the manager without the employee’s consent. Once agreed the manager will receive a report that gives a medical opinion about how the employee’s work performance may be impacted by medical issues.

The following are other specific services provided for staff by occupational health.

Driver’s Medicals

This is a medical assessment to ascertain a person’s level of fitness to comply with DVLA guidelines. An examination will include an assessment of blood pressure, eyesight, urine, height, weight and general well-being.

This test is performed annually for staff who are required to drive a Council vehicle.

Flu vaccinations

We are able to offer employees an annual flu clinic. The flu vaccine aims to protect against the predicted influenza strains for the coming winter.  These are given at Pippbrook and Park House during special clinics during October/November. Pregnant women, women trying for a baby, people allergic to eggs and neomycin (an antibiotic) are advised not to have this vaccine.

Workplace assessments

The clinic also offers workplace assessments (correct positioning, chairs, desks, VDU screens etc) in circumstances that require medical advice. An employee would be referred for a workplace assessment where a Health and Safety check has identified a need or where the employee and manager identify the need for medical advice to provide reasonable adjustments to their employee’s work environment.

Wellbeing Clinics

These clinics are periodically provided during Wellbeing Weeks and can provide an opportunity for employees to self refer. They provide a generic medical assessment including height, weight, BMI calculation, blood pressure measurement, glucose test, etc. These are typically 15 minute appointments and are available on a first come first served basis. Details are publicised from time to time.

Employee led Counselling or wellbeing

If a member of staff wishes to access counselling or to other wellbeing advice, there are a variety of options available including EAP, Mental Health First Aid or keeping an eye on general Wellbeing pages (link to follow).


Occupational Health Management Referral Form