Talk to a Mental Health First Aider

We have 8 members of staff trained as Mental Health First Aiders. Here are their names, photographs and a very short biography. You can contact any Mental Health First Aider – it does not need to be somebody you know already or work with, you may prefer to talk to somebody you have no prior connection with.

It is best to make contact by email first of all. Some Mental Health First Aiders do not have their own telephone numbers. This also allows the Mental Health First Aider to contact you, by your preferred means, and to set up a time and place to meet.

Please only contact one Mental Health First Aider to avoid confusion. If he or she cannot meet you within the time that you need them to, or you have emailed them and later found out their ‘out of office’ is on please let them know that you no longer need to talk to them.

The offering is generally for just one meeting. Depending on your reason for contacting he/she will be there to listen to you non-judgmentally and give you the space to determine your next steps, in some cases they may be able to give referral pathways. 

Before speaking to a Mental Health First Aider you must read the document below entitled ‘Yes We Can‘ and you are also advised to read the Guidance for the parameters within which Mental Health First Aiders operate.

Mental Health First Aid is being provided to make sure MVDC staff have somebody to talk to about their concerns. It is an ‘off record’ confidential discussion. All staff are encouraged to talk to their line managers if there are issues impacting their work.

Employees are also reminded of our Employee Assistance Programme which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and can provide advice on a wide range of lifestyle issues with relevant subject matter experts. 

Alex Gilbert

Dorking Halls
Ext 3314

I’m very much of the opinion that the wellbeing of employees is key to running a successful organisation of any type or size. Mental health really does affect everyone at every level. If being a Mental Health First Aider can make just a small difference to a few employees who may be struggling, then I feel it will have been a really worthwhile skill to have learnt.

Steve Jones

Mole Valley Life – Park House
Ext 3501
I became a Mental Health First Aider because i believe that Mental Heath can be a forgotten illness, Lots of people suffer in silence and this should not be the case, we need to encourage people to talk about their situation and end the stigma that surrounds Mental Health

Katie Craig

Housing – Pippbrook
Ext 3265
Our colleagues have very important roles supporting and providing services to those who live and work in Mole Valley and in order to be at our best, inside and outside of work, we need to ensure we look after our own mental health. I wanted to become a MHFA so that anyone who wants to access support knows there is someone they can to talk to who will listen with no judgment.

Tayo Olalekan

Environmental Health – Pippbrook

Francesca Lancaster

CSU – Pippbrook
I became a MHFA because I recognise the impact mental health has on all aspects of someone’s life. I want to encourage people to feel able to talk about mental health and want it to become as normal as talking to physical first aiders. I want people to know there will always be someone they can talk to in their time of need who cares about their wellbeing.

Tanya Mileusnic

Environmental Health – Pippbrook
Ext 3105
I wanted to become a mental health first aider because I believe mental health should be given the same level of attention as physical health. Since completing the course I have a greater in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that affect wellbeing. I feel confident that, should someone approach me with a mental health concern, I would be able to support them.

Charlie Skinner

HR & OD – Pippbrook
Ext 3103
I believe that good mental health is the key to a happy and healthy life and everyone should be able to feel supported to achieve this. I became a mental health first aider as I wanted to increase my knowledge of this key area of wellbeing and understand how I can best help people who are experiencing a mental health problem or in crisis to get the support they need and deserve.

Alison Woolgar

Investment and Regeneration – Pippbrook
Ext 3106
I believe that mental health is as important as physical health. I understand the fear, frustration and helplessness often felt in the early stages of mental health. I became a MHFA so that I can be there for others who may need impartial help in taking the first steps in finding support to improve their mental wellbeing.

October 2021 – how do you feel about working in the office – a message from the Mental Health First Aiders

Spring 2021 Message from the Mental Health First Aiders

Winter 2020/21 Message from the Mental Health First Aiders