Guidance for Leavers

Employee responsibilities

Submit a written resignation to your manager. 

Request any annual leave before your leaving date as early as possible – your manager will either authorise or decline this based on the service needs. 

If you have a lease car you must make arrangements to return the car with the lease car company (CTS) direct.

If you receive childcare vouchers you must leave the scheme online via the Sodexo website
Complete an exit interview – you will be sent an email from HR.Admin with a link to the exit interview.

Arrange to complete a handover with all relevant parties, keeping your manager informed as agreed. Think about any information that is given out with your name on it (such as Molly), and make sure arrangements are made to give a different contact. This should ideally be a generic email address – with contact referring to a post or function rather than an individual.

On your last day, you will need to return your access pass and any other equipment belonging to the Council, such as phone, laptop/device, keys etc.

If you are planning to retire: 

It is strongly advised that you inform your manager and HR as soon as possible as pensions arrangements take time to complete. MHR will need to liaise with SCC Pensions to establish estimated figures. Final figures will follow after your final pay date.

For any enquiries regarding your pension, you will need to contact SCC Pensions Team directly as they cannot release personal employee information to the HR team. Contact can be found here.

Managers’ responsibilities

Please notify HR and ICT via the HR&ICT Servicedesk using the HR Section (link on Molly/At Work). The guidance on how to do this is here. Please also ensure that you attach the resignation/retirement letter to the case. All leavers must be notified in this way including casuals and interim workers.

Encourage the employee to complete the exit interview

Ensure that the individual returns any equipment belonging to the Council, such as phone, device, keys and that they have organised the return of their lease car (if applicable)

Ensure that the leaver conducts a thorough handover.

Additionally he/she should remove any references/email links/contact information relating to themselves on Molly pages and replaces them with either another named contact or preferably (where possible) a generic contact point.

Inform HR if the individual is owed or owes the Council any flexi time/TOIL before the payroll cut off for the month (approx. 13th of each month – check Molly newsfeed for the cut off that month)

HR responsibilities

HR will send you an email after the leaver has been logged via the Servicedesk with information on any outstanding loans, annual leave and so on. This email will also contain a link to the exit interview which can be completed online with or without involvement of your line manager.


References may be sought from HR or from individual managers. The guidance explains how to approach writing a reference if you are requested to. Please seek further assistance from HR if required.

Reference Policy

Writing a Reference – Guidance for Managers