Transforming Mole Valley Together

Seonaid Webb
Executive Head of Service Transformation and Partnerships

We have ambitious outcomes to deliver  

Our aim is to transform our services so that we are digital by choice, valued by our customers and as a result contribute towards making our district a great place to live, work and visit.

We want to be a modernised, exemplary delivery organisation that is a great place to work – attracting the best talent and retaining our people because they feel developed and interested in their work. And of course, everything we do must align with the Council Strategy.

We will deliver our services in the most user-friendly and cost-efficient way as possible, taking into account the needs of our communities and our values to Listen, Care, Trust, Lead and Respect.  

There are however significant challenges in our operating environment and high expectations for savings 

We’re living in volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous environment.

The UK is facing significant challenges in terms of cost of living, financial uncertainty with increasing inflation rates, and global unrest impacting supply chains and energy costs.

As a public sector organisation we need to be pro-active in our plans to be leaner, more effective and to deliver best value for money in all that we do.  

On a local level, MVDC must save £4.9m by 2026 to keep delivering its services efficiently and returning the finance to sustainable, pre-pandemic levels.  

We need to reflect honestly on what we must prioritise in terms of improvements. We are not as efficient as we could be. Our services are not sufficiently digitalised or integrated, our data and systems are not aligned or put to best use, we have ‘pain points’ in our processes creating too much failure demand. 

We have some complex decisions to make about where we choose to invest, and where we need to transform assets and services.  

Most of the councils in the country are going through a similar exercise. 

The task is not easy, and we do not have all the answers yet, but we know at this stage that unless we are on this journey together, we will struggle to deliver our vision and plans. 

What we can commit to you at this stage is: 

  • We will keep an honest dialogue with you all – either directly or via your BMT lead 
  • We will be updating this page regularly with our plans, successes, highlights 
  • Everyone in MVDC will be able to ask questions, share their ideas and thoughts. You can start straight away and submit your questions here
  • We will continue to hold face to face progress updates and engagement days throughout the next few years, to keep you involved and part of the changes ahead. 

4 Strategies

We have defined 4 strategies to support the transformation and you can find out more information by clicking on each of the pillars below. 


Continuous Improvement