23. Should I claim my expenses through petty cash or a payment voucher?

We are not currently providing petty cash.

If you have agreed out of pocket expenses to claim, you can use a Payment Voucher.

Process for Payment Vouchers during Lockdown

  1. In order to receive payments via our Accounts system, you will first need to be set up as a “supplier” on the accounts system if you are not already. Whoever is responsible for e-series admin in your team should know how to do this or be able to tell you if you are already set up.
  2. Once you are set up as a supplier, payment can be made to your account in the following way:
  1. Complete a payment voucher – some of these numbered forms should be held within your department if not there is an electronic version available. Please contact Accounts for this if required.
  2. Your e-series administrator will need to raise a purchase order for the amount on e-series – this will go to the budget holder who will authorise it.
  3. The PO and GRN number need to be put onto the completed payment voucher and then sent to purchaseorders@molevalley.gov.uk

We are in the process of reviewing our systems to make claiming expenses without using cash easier and will let you know if different arrangements become available.