Guide to Updating the Corporate Website

Logging In

Logging In

A good place to start! Logging in is easy, you just need a username and password set up by Communications ...
Edit an Existing Article

Edit an Existing Article

Articles need to be constantly kept up to date to be trusted by our customers. Luckily it's quick and easy ...
Adding Documents

Adding Documents

Documents are fine, but a web page is better so the article is picked up by the website search, it's ...
Adding Pages to a Landing Page

Adding Pages to a Landing Page

Landing pages display links to child articles. To include a new page you need to select the landing page to ...
Editing the Call for Action

Editing the Call for Action

The main call for action is the section at the top of the homepage reserved for headline topics and only ...
Editing the Homepage Features

Editing the Homepage Features

The homepage features are news items which appear near the bottom of the homepage. These are updated only by Communications ...
Editing the Homepage Carousel

Editing the Homepage Carousel

The carousel is the main single news item at the bottom of the page and is updated only by Communications ...
Article Revision History

Article Revision History

You can look to when an article was updated and by whom. It's also reassuring you can use this feature ...
HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML Cheat Sheet

Some useful HTML code snippets to enhance your articles. Simply cut and paste the HTML examples into your page and ...