Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Data 

There are many sources of data and information about Mole Valley residents and the impact our services have. These include:

  • Service monitoring reports (where diversity details are available)
  • Previous research and customer satisfaction surveys
  • User feedback
  • Published research, local or national
  • Evidence from partner organisations, other council departments, district or borough councils, other local authorities
  • Workforce monitoring
  • Staff surveys, opinions and information from trade unions
  • Contract monitoring reports
  • Complaints and comments data
  • Press coverage
  • Feedback from consultations and focus groups
  • Feedback from individuals or organisations representing interests of target groups
  • Research or consultations carried out by third sector organisations

There is also useful information on the population, economy, health, transport and communities in Mole Valley including:

Local and national data sources may also provide secondary data and information to inform your Equalities Impact Assessment. These include:

Equality Impact Assessments must be evidence based; make sure that you have enough data and evidence to inform your assessment. If there are gaps in your evidence, consider holding a focus group or using a questionnaire to gather more information. 

If you have any questions about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion please contact lindsay.hill@molevalley.gov.uk or beth.bloxsome@molevalley.gov.uk in the Corporate Governance and Strategy Team.