Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 

MVDC’s Equality Policy Statement sets out our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Our Equality Policy Statement document incorporates our Equality Objectives. To support the delivery of these objectives, every year an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan is devised.

2023 – 2024 EDI Action Plan

RefProposed ActionSMART ObjectiveResponsible OfficerTarget completion date
1Publish information about residents and service users with protected characteristicsUtilise Surrey i and 2021 Census info to publish information regarding the nine protected characteristics in Mole ValleyLindsay HillMar-24
2Ensure EDI and accessibility information is always available for consideration in any service review and transformation workCapture data for the nine protected characteristics as part of all MVDC service reviews and transformation work. Demonstrate and capture due regard to the three aims of the Equality Act 2010 in any decision makingBMT leads   (supported by Lindsay Hill)Service reviews in line with transformation programme
3Publish MVDC workforce EDI statisticsCapture and publish data for protected characteristics annually. Ensure required gender pay gap info is available on the MVDC website in an accessible format for at least three yearsHR   (supported by Lindsay Hill)Mar-24
4Publicise the information that is publicly available on the accessibility of venues across the Mole Valley District Council areaWorking with Mole Valley Access Group and AccessAble, publish and share venue accessibility info in Mole ValleyCandida Goulden   (supported by Comms)Mar-24
If you would like any advice or support with regards to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion please contact lindsay.hill@molevalley.gov.uk or beth.bloxsome@molevalley.gov.uk in the Corporate Governance and Strategy Team.