Declaration of Interests & Related Party Transactions

As part of the Council’s Code of Conduct policy it is required that all Mole Valley District Council staff complete an annual declaration of interest.

This declaration relates to personal interests and/or outside commitments that may impact or act in conflict with your work for Mole Valley District Council. It is important that the Council is aware of any such conflicts in order that any risk to yourself or the Council can be mitigated.

In order to keep information up to date you will be prompted to complete the below declaration of interest form annually. A copy of your submissions will be forwarded to your line manager and your manager will advise you of any action required as a result of your declaration, including making adjustments to working processes, or sharing information with other relevant service areas. All declarations will be stored securely via the Granicus system and on individual personnel files were necessary. 

While you will be prompted to complete the below form annually, if you are aware of a change in your personal interests or outside commitments that may impact your work please complete the form immediately and discuss any potential impacts with your manager.

Queries related to a Declarations of Interest should be directed to the HR Team (

Declaration of Interests form – completion by all staff every 12 months

BMT/SLT Related Party Transactions

When completing the Declaration of Interests form Business and Senior Managers will be prompted to complete an additional section to declare related party transactions. This relates to confirmation of any positions of influence held by yourself or close members of your family for any organisations listed in the attached schedule of MVDC grant funded voluntary bodies, and/or any relationship, which requires a Related Party Disclosure as set out in the attached guidance.

Queries relating to Related Party Transitions should be directed to the Finance Team (