Telephone Calls

Telephone calls make conversations human and it is important that we adapt our tone correctly. Here you’ll find guidance on making and taking calls.

We have a Customer Promise that expects staff to provide customer care that reflects our organisational values to listen, trust, care, respect and lead.

Not answering the phone or responding to voicemails is not an option.

Making calls 

Give your name and explain why you are calling 

Make it personal; smile and listen to the customer 

Be considerate and show you understand their point of view

Show empathy – see ‘Empathy Guidance‘ for more information

Be honest and positive – tell them what you can do, if you cannot help explain why; signpost them to somewhere that might be able to help   

When leaving a message, always give your name and direct line number 

Taking calls 

Remember that phone calls are an important part of everyone’s job. If you need some time without calls to complete a task, always ensure that a colleague can pick up your calls or ensure that you have an up to date voicemail message in place.

Answer a phone within 20 seconds 

Use a greeting like good morning/evening and say your name and your service area 

If your team is short-staffed or in a meeting, please let CSU know. 

Phone Cover – all customer facing teams must provide phone cover during the hours that CSU is manned (8.30am – 5pm including lunch cover)

Voicemail – with the exception of marketing calls, all messages must be responded to by the end of the next working day. Messages should be up to date and should include the officer’s annual leave, normal working hours and when customers should expect a call back. Voicemail should be treated in exactly the same way as Out Of Office replies in Outlook. It should be clear to a customer when they can expect a call back or who they should contact in an officer’s absence

These instructions apply to working at home just as they do for office working.

CSU – If CSU is aware a caller is making a marketing call, the team will provide the group email address for that service area (rather than giving out an individual’s contact details).

CSU is always looking for ways to increase the number of calls they can resolve at first point of contact, as well as reducing the number of unnecessary calls being put through to services. If you would like to discuss this, please call Louise x3155