Corporate Values

Everybody has their own personal values which tend to influence how they behave and the decisions they make in their lives.

These values need to be OUR values.

Our Corporate Strategy includes five core values which reflect our commitment to providing good customer care for all our customers. Below are underpinning statements to explain what the values mean to us, but if in doubt, talk to any of SLT.

We Listen

  • We always put ourselves in our customers’ shoes 
  • We will always take the time to listen actively and to explain our reasoning for the decisions we make 
  • If we have to make difficult decisions, we do so having considered all the issues

We Trust

  • We trust each other to do the right thing, acting with integrity and for the right reasons at all times 
  • We work hard to build the trust of our customers and partners 
  • We trust ourselves to innovate and continually improve the way we work

We Lead

  • We take pride in what we do 
  • We take ownership for all that we do 
  • We are ambitious for Mole Valley and ensuring the best for our residents and communities 

We Care

  • Many of the decisions we make affect peoples’ lives. We remember this in everything we do 
  • We care about our customers and each other and we care about Mole Valley 
  • We are passionate about ensuring the best for our residents and communities

We Respect

  • We are all different. We all matter 
  • Even if we do not agree with each other, we respect our different opinions 
  • We value our relationships and treat each other as we would want to be treated

You said, We did

These values are demonstrated in our You said, We did. We listen to our customers and where we can we make changes to our services in response to that feedback. These are just some examples of the improvements we have made and are not meant to be an exhaustive list.

If you have made an improvement to service delivery in response to customer feedback and you would like it to be included on the ‘You Said, We Did’, please contact Louise Bircher on x3155.