Well done to the Business Grants Team

The Business Grants team have received a lovely message: “I just wanted to get in touch to thank you very much for your consideration with my application. The grant you

Well done – Revenues

Mark Blake in Revenues has received a lovely message from a customer: “Thank you so much for your swift and kind response. It bought me to tears. I will endeavour

Well Done Sam! (and Jeanette, Tina and June)

Sam Cook in benefits received thanks from a Test and Trace Self Isolation Payment applicant after helping the applicant provide evidence to support the claim.  Sam, Jeanette , Tina and

Well done Dee in Housing!

Dee in Housing has received a lovely thank you from an agency who have been supporting one of her clients.  The client in question was rough sleeping at the beginning

Well done!

Mole Valley Life recently received a heartfelt thank you from one of their clients: “As a client of the alarm service (originally Tandridge), I would like to say how grateful

Praise For Mole Valley Life TEC Teams

Last week the Mole Valley Life teams received praise from two separate clients: “THE CLIENT WOULD LIKE IT PASSED ON THAT WE OFFER AN EXCELLENT SERVICE AND SHE IS VERY

A Big Well Done To Caroline

Caroline has received some excellent feedback from Mount Green Housing for the work she has done with one of their residents. ‘I really can’t thank you enough or put into

Well Done Millie And Harry In CSU

A customer called specifically to thank Millie in CSU for her help, who he described as “brilliant” and “An Ambassador for Mole Valley”. He also went on to say how