Car Park Accident

Someone has slightly scraped the side of a white Skoda Rapid reg no. EJ63 RVM, whilst trying to park next to it. Could the owner contact on 3121.

Bella’s SLT Blog

Well, what has happened to time this week? Monday feels like ages ago and the rest of the week has been a bit of a blur. Is there an actual

Print Room Closure

The Print Room will be closed on Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th and Friday 26th May as Spence is on holiday. Please Copy in Dia Irmal in on all your print

Rhubarb available

Mike from the Parking Team is due to harvest a fairly large amount of Rhubarb from his home and would like to offer some to members of staff. If anyone

Please do not water the plants!

Please do not water the plants in Pippbrook! Since September they have been treated for soil gnats and although under control, the battle is not won yet against the pesky

SLT Blog – Seonaid Webb

Hello everyone – it’s my turn this week to talk about some of the things that have been occupying my time. For my first blog I thought I’d talk about Evolve

All Staff Briefing

All Staff Briefing – 10 May 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the All Staff Briefing this morning. The recording of the event is below. To turn on captions (subtitles) for the video, click on the