URGENT – Missing Wedding Ring

Claudia has lost her wedding ring in the office today it has fallen off her finger. If anyone finds it please could they return it to her or give her

Karen’s SLT Blog

At a time when local authorities are often focused on how to save money it’s been really positive for me this week to be able to focus on how we

Thanks from Graham

Thank you all for my lovely gifts and card. The comments are really overwhelming. It was an emotional week for me and I will truly miss you all. You are

Parking in Pippbrook Car Park

Please ensure that you park correctly within the bay markings in the Pippbrook Car Park. Following the installation of the EV charging bays at Pippbrook, the car park capacity has

Annual Data Purge

Information Asset Owners and Data Champs are currently carrying out an annual review of Information Asset Registers (IARs) for all Services.  This is an opportunity to ensure we have a

Webcasters needed

Following the Local Elections in May, the majority of the Committee meetings now taking place in person in the Council Chamber. As such, the number of officers who are able

Emma’s SLT Blog

This week hasn’t gone quite as anticipated (when do they ever?) thanks to the adventures of our beloved family dog, Oscar.  Oscar joined us as an eight week old puppy in the summer of 2020 (yes a pandemic puppy) and

Good Luck and Goodbye

Goodbye Emily!

“I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came to my leaving do, it was a wonderful send off and celebration of my time at MVDC. Thank