Thank you from CLA 

Copywriting Licensing Agency (CLA) has successfully completed the data collection exercise with MVDC staff. They were pleased with how helpful and organised everyone was and would like to thank the staff

Car park attempted theft

It has been noted by a few members of staff that a small group of people where hanging around in the car park checking door handles for unlocked vehicles. Please

Piers’s SLT Blog

Gosh, my second blog already. So, this week I returned to work after a (very) long weekend enjoying my annual pilgrimage to the Le Mans 24 hour race.  I’ve been

World Refill Day

Today is World Refill Day!

World Refill Day is a global day of action to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste. Will you be joining the millions of people around the

Lost Food Platter

Has anyone seen a black rectangular food platter, as seen in the photo? It was in the breakout area (or possibly upstairs) on Friday 2nd June and needs to be

Making Every Contact Count

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that uses the millions of day-to-day interactions that organisations and individuals have with other people to support them in

Well done Mandy

Mandy in Housing has received a lovely thank you card from one of her clients, ”Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for all your help in guiding me

Selfie on Teams

We would like everybody to have a ‘selfie’ on their Teams profiles. This is in reflection of the Staff Survey 2022 where lots of you said you didn’t always know

Print Room Closure

The Print Room will be closed from Monday 12 June up to and including Friday 23 June. If you wish to discuss any urgent print jobs, need a toner replacement or have