Pipprook Security

When entering/exiting the building, please make sure that the doors shut properly behind you to avoid members of the public wandering in. This applies to all doors as there has

Staff Event July 20th

Message from Karen “Those of you who have watched my video last week will have heard about our first “all in day” – many of you have said that it

EV Chargepoints

Surrey County Council has a target to be net-zero carbon by 2050, and currently 46 per cent of emissions come from transport. Providing the necessary infrastructure to support increased use

Pre-election guidance for By-Election

In accordance with the code of recommended practice on local authority publicity issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government (31st March 2011), the following guidance has been prepared in connection with

HelpShop Update

As our residents are choosing to engage with us far more online since the pandemic began, and given the falling footfall prior to the first lockdown, it has been decided

Staff Parking at Pippbrook

Remember that parking restrictions apply to members of staff in the same way that they do to our residents All employees are allowed to park in MVDC car parks when

Print Room relocation

The print room will start the re-location from the basement to the Mezzanine today with the main move of the large equipment happening this Thursday. Please bear with us, printing