Annual Leave 2021/22

Please make sure you make sufficient plans to take your annual leave this year.  As previously notified (Staff Q&As – Q45), this year the normal carry forward allowance of 5

Make A Tribute To Peter Jenkins

It is with great sadness that we have to let you know that Peter Jenkins, very sadly passed away on 14 November after a long illness. Peter had been the

Make Use Of Teams

Don’t forget to make use of the resources available to you and your team. We want to remind all staff that Teams is a great way to stay interactive and

Do You Volunteer?

We’re looking to do a feature on staff who volunteer in this month’s staff newsletter. We’d like to know where you volunteer, what inspired you and some of your highlights.

Friday’s Facebook Quiz

Dan & Nic’s Virtual Pub Quiz Get involved in the Friday night quiz available to staff, hosted at 8pm on Facebook. Quiz Link here This quiz is being run during

Today Is World Kindness Day

There has never been a better and more perfect time to be kind to others and to be kind to yourself. Ensure you’re taking care of the wellbeing of yourself